Not so fast. Camping is a cost effective vacation option IF you have all the gear. Once you get past that initial investment it’s smooth sailing.
So you’ve decided that camping is the way for you but you need to add a few pieces to your arsenal in order to make it happen. Here are some cost effective ways to get suited up.
Not sure if camping is for you? Just trying to get a little extra gear for a friend who’s joining the trip? Renting is a great option. Both MEC (in Canada) and REI (in the USA) have great rental programs and I’ll bet that many of your other local outdoors shops do too. And I can’t speak for your local store, but the MEC and REI rental rates are awesome. Think of this when you are trying to get your hands on gear that you want to test out like tents, avalanche equipment, kayaks, and more.
Cheaper than renting with all the same benefits. Tons of people have outdoor gear that spends most weekends just sitting in the closet. See if you can borrow from a friend and make sure to bring their gear back clean. And maybe with some homemade cookies. Or a case of beer.
Buy Used
Buying used is a new thing for me, but I’m kind of getting into it. Not only is it super cheap, but it’s very eco friendly. Craigslist and EBay are great standby’s, but some outdoor shops even have annual used gear sales or free online sales forums.
Do Without
I’m not going to bad mouth any particular store here, but the outdoor shops that make my not-so-favorite list are the ones that carry every piece of crap in the world. Regardless of quality and regardless of if it’s something you actually NEED.
Don’t let the flashy gizmos distract you. When you go camping you don’t actually need much.

Is everyone ready to camp this summer? Anyone looking to add a particular piece of equipment to the stash?
Hey, found your blog after you commented on mine, really like it!
ReplyDeleteI post about local outdoor blogs from time to time so did a quick feature on yours, hope you like.
Thanks so much Karl, I appreciate it!